Mumsnet Reviews > Rules and tips for reviewing

Rules and tips for reviewing

Looking for some inspiration when writing a review, or want to know what makes a great review? Check out our advice and rules for reviewing below.

How to write a review and earn points

Firstly, be honest – parents want to hear what you really think!

Only review products you’ve owned and tried.

Don’t copy other people’s reviews – all reviews must be written by you. Each one must be original (no copying and pasting, even of your own reviews).

Write a review title that fits the review (eg, don’t write xxxx, the brand name or product type or a nonsense headline). It must be 5 characters or more.

Reviews must be at least 25 words to be published, and for you to earn points.

In the review, try to answer questions others may have, such as:  

If we deem your review to be low quality, lacking in details, or we believe you haven’t actually owned and tried the product, your review will not be published and you will not earn any points.

Your account can be closed at any time without any warning if you are found to be breaking any of these rules or policies stated in our terms and conditions. If we close your account, any gift cards you have ordered will not be fulfilled.  

Adding images

Add an image   

Posting your own photos of the products you’re reviewing will help other parents make their own buying decisions.

Here are our top photo tips:

Also please note that the following images may not be published: